Last Updated On: 18 Sep 2024

Our Business

Efficient & Reliable Transmission Network

With the efficient and reliable network, DTL has been endeavoring to ensure uninterrupted Power Supply. The availability of its transmission system is round 99.106% in 2018-19. the transmission losses have consistently been below one percent which brings it among the few best run state Transmission Utilities in India.

The existing network of DTL consists of a 400 KV ring around the periphery of Delhi interlinked with the 220 KV network spread all over the city. The constituents of our network are as given below:

Efficient & Reliable Transmission Network (as on 31.03.2023)
Parameters 400 KV Level 220 KV Level
Number of sub stations 4 42
Transformation Capacity (in MVA) 5410 14616
Transmission lines (length in Ckt. Km)

Over head = 245.9 

Under ground= 3.25

Over head = 627.041

Under ground = 274.457

Power supply Position over the Years

There has been considerable improvement in the power supply position after restructuring of power sector of Delhi. The peak demand is increasing every year while the load shedding has been coming down. DTL has met a highest ever peak demand of 8656 MW on 19th June 2024.

Power supply Position over the Years
Parameters Peak Demand met (in MW) Energy Consumption (in MU’s) Shedding (in MU’s) Shedding as % of Energy Consumptions
2022-23 7695 35027.92 10.049 0.029
2021-22 7323 31115.092 6.006 0.019
2020-21 6314 29533.83 5.512 0.018
2019-20 7409 33082.58 10.851 0.032
2018-19 7016 32360.84 17.848 0.055
2017-18 6526 31873.6 19.46 0.06
2016-17 6261 30791 31.501 0.10
2015-16 5846 29416 42.05 0.14
2014-15 5925 28964 117 0.40
2013-14 5653 28030 77 0.27
2012-13 5642 25921 138.08 0.49
2011-12 5028 25349.23 82.983 0.32
2010-11 4720 24419 72.49 0.3
2009-10 4408 23349 185 0.8
2008-09 4034 22006 128 0.58
2007-08 4030 22372 136 0.61
2006-07 3736 21977 411 1.84
2005-06 3626 21184 322 1.5
2004-05 3490 20810 176 0.84
2003-04 3289 20385 229 1.12

Financial Turn Around

For the first five years post unbundling of DVB, Delhi Transco Limited was arranging bulk power for discoms which was resulting in losses to the company. From the financial year 2007-08 the company has posted profit every year. Delhi Transco is one of the few entities of Govt. of NCT of Delhi which are earning profit and paying dividend to the government.

DTL has been accredited A+ rating company by top two rating agencies of the country i.e. CRISIL and Filch Rating India Limited. This is highest among all state transmission utilities the country.

Financial Turn Around
Year 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11
Profit after tax 439.64 Crores 324.09 Crores 199.97 Crores 261.34 Crores 795.49 Crores 134.17 Crores

Care of Environment

DTL operates its obligations in a clean, green, pollution free environment and has been providing more green coverage to the National Capital. It has contributed a lot in spreading awareness among the masses to use eco-friendly electrical appliances.

Quality Assurance

Delhi Transco has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 in recognition of its quality management system in the management of operation, maintenance and monitoring Extra High Voltage network.

Transparency and Accountability

DTL is committed to execute its operations in most transparent manner. A transparent mechanism has been put in place for award of works, release of payment to contractors and other stake holders etc. Besides, any citizen can have any information under Delhi Right to Information Act-2001 and Right to Information Act-2005.

Website Last Updated on 18-Feb-2025

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