Last Updated On: 09 Mar 2021

Company Overview

Delhi Transco Limited, a successor company of erstwhile Delhi Vidyut Board, came into existence on 1st July 2002, as a State Transmission Utility of the National Capital. After unbundling of DVB the distribution sector has been handed over to private companies while the generation and transmission are still with the government. Over the years, DTL has evolved as a most dynamic performer, keeping pace with the manifold challenges that confront the ever increasing demand-supply power situation and achieving functional superiority on all fronts.

Being the capital of India and the hub of the commercial activities in the Northern Region, coupled with the prosperity of population, the load requirement of Delhi has been growing at a much faster pace. Added to that, being the focus of socio-economic and political life of India, Delhi is assuming increasing eminence among the great cities of the world. Plus the vision-2021, aiming to make Delhi a global metro politic and world class city demand greater infrastructure to enrich many services of infrastructure development. DTL has been responsibly playing its role in establishment, upgrading, operation and maintaining the EHV (Extra High Voltage) network. DTL has also been assigned the responsibility of running the State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) which is an apex body to ensure integrated operations of power system in Delhi. Delhi Transco Limited is also committed to promote energy conservation and has done a lot to educate and sensitize to general public about the need of energy of energy conservation.

Use of State of the Art Technologies

To enhance its efficiency and productivity, Delhi Transco Limited is using state of the art technologies in its operations. Keeping in view the land constraints and environmental hazards, DTL is prioritizing GIS substations in place of AIS substations.

For constant access to real-time data of the entire network, the company has implemented Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. DTL is one of the few utilities in India to operationalize it as early as in 2002.

Delhi Transco Limited is the first state transmission utility in India to operationalize intrastate ABT metering on 1st April 2007.

The concept of smart grid is also being implemented.

DTL has implemented Enterprise Resource Planning Software has been implemented which offers an integrated software solution to all the functions of the organization. ERP standardizes business processes and facilities best practice by creating more efficient system and concentrating its effort towards maximizing profits.

DTL has implemented Enterprises islanding system which will ensure uninterrupted power supply if any failure in grid happens. Besides DTL will be able to restore power supply at the earliest in emergencies.

Our Departments

DTL has dedicated and efficient work force of around 1800 personnel comprising of all categories of employees. The head of the organization, CMD is assisted by three full time Director along with the work force for execution of various obligations of the company. There are three main wings viz. Human Resources, Finance and Operations headed by Director (HR), Director (F), Director (Operation) respectively and consist of following departments.

Human Resource Finance Operations
Human Resources Internal Audit Operations & Maintenance I & II
Public Relations Budget Costing Project, I &II
Legal Expenditure Civil
Vigilance/Disciplinary Works Planning
Medical Wages C&MM
Training Accounts SLDC
Labour Welfare Store Billing C&RA
Security SD/Banking, Financial Scrutiny Cell Information Technology

Corporate Monitoring & SEM


Protection, Metering and Disaster Management

Website Last Updated on 18-Feb-2025

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