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Last Updated On: 08 Mar 2016

Manual 2 - The Powers and Duties of its Officers

Technical Division

1. State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC):

  • State Load Dispatch Centre was established in the State and it is an the apex body to ensure integrated operation of the power system in the State.
  • State Load Dispatch Centre is responsible for optimum scheduling and dispatch of electricity within a State, in accordance with the contracts entered into with the licensees or the generating companies operating in that State;
  • Monitor grid operations;
  • Keep accounts of the quantity of electricity transmitted through the State grid,
  • Exercise supervision and control over the intra-State transmission system; and be responsible for carrying out real time operations for grid control and dispatch of electricity within the State through secure and economic operations of the State grid in accordance with the Grid Standards and the State Grid Code.

Compliance of directions:

  • The State Load dispatch Centre in a State is required to give such directions and exercise such supervision and control as may be required for ensuring the integrated grid operations and for achieving the maximum economic and efficiency in the operation of power system in that State.
  • Every licensee, generating company, generating station, sub-station and any other person connected with the operation of the power system shall comply with the directions issued by the State Load Dispatch Centre.

2. Operation & Maintenance Wing:

  • Operation and Maintenance Wing is responsible for operation and maintenance of 400, 220KV Substations and associated Transmission works. Maintenance of the installation including Protection is to be carried out for achieving the maximum availability of the installation as per the standard prudent utility practices. The O&M wing is further divided in 2 divisions i.e. (O&M)-I looking after the work of 400 KV S/Stn. & Lines and the other is O & M _II which is looking after the work of 220KV S/Stns. & Lines.
  • All instructions from SLDC are required to be complied with for safe and efficient operations.
  • Intra-State metering of the licensees is carried out for recovery of the energy supplied as per the rates approved by the State Commission.

3. Project I & II Wings :

Once a project is awarded the same is being got executed by Project-I (for Sub-stations) and Project-II (for Lines) departments through project monitoring.

4. C&MM Wing :

C&MM wing is responsible for material management and disposal of scrap and obsolete material, including all tendering.

5. C&RA Wing :

C&RA wing is responsible for preparation and filing of the Annual Revenue Requirement and other petitions before the Regulator. All commercial transactions, contracts, negotiations is the domain of the C&RA wing. The petition filed by various generating companies, transmission & power trading utilities before CERC are also dealt by C&RA wing on behalf of DTL.

6. Planning Wing :

The Planning wing is responsible for the development of Power System in a coordinated manner with DISCOMs to meet the growing power demand and to provide reliable & efficient power supply to the NCT of Delhi. The Planning wing is also responsible to provide Technical Support to other departments of DTL.

7. IT Department:

The IT Department is responsible for establishing, maintaining and updating the IT network of DTL as per the IT policy. The IT Department is also responsible for monitoring the performance of IT equipments procured and for providing repair and maintenance of the same. The IT department also provide latest information to all concerned by constantly updating the website of DTL as well as diverse departmental details of various departments. ERP (ojas Program) has been implemented and in operation since Nov. 2010.


Besides the foregoing, keeping in view the individual capabilities, exigencies and requirements of the organization, any additional responsibility can also be assigned to any of the functionaries of DTL in the best interest of the organization. Since DTL is consisting of all background officials i.e. Engineering, Finance, Human Resource, Legal etc for all day-to-day activities and special assignments, various teams are also formed consisting of officials from any of the department or division in the best interest of organization and smooth functioning.

Human Resource Division

The General Administration comprises of the following wings:-

  1. Human Resource (General /Personnel)
  2. Vigilance Department
  3. Legal Department
  4. Medical Department
  5. Training Department
  6. Security Department
  7. Establishment Billing Section
  8. Labour Welfare & Industrial Relation Department
  9. Public Relation Department

General Manager (HR)

General Manager (HR) is responsible for overseeing all HR functions of the Company under the supervision of Director (HR) with the assistance of DGM(HR), Manager [HR] and Dy. Manager(HR)G.

Dy. General Manager (HR)

Dy. GM (HR)-II is required to assist GM (HR) in discharge of the functions of Personnel Department with the assistance of following officers: -

  1. Dy. Manager (HR.I)
  2. Dy. Manager (HR.II)
  3. DM [HR]LW/IR
  4. Asstt. Manager (HR) Policy
  5. Asstt. Manager (HR) Record

Duties of DGM (HR) :-

Framing and amendment of R&P Regulations for category B,C & D Tech. and Non-Tech. Posts.

To review and revise the existing procedure/manual/duty list/ functions/ responsibilities of all the officers/delegation of administrative/ disciplinary/ financial powers and to circulate the important decision/instructions of Govt. of India.

Recruitment, promotion and transfer of all Technical & Non-Technical categories of posts.

Grant of time bound promotion. Preparation and maintenance of seniority list of Technical and Non-technical Categories of employees.

Compassionate appointment to the dependents of the deceased employees/regularization of W/C employees.

Sanction of special/ hospital/ disability/ maternity/ paternity/abortion leave.

Cases of voluntary retirement and acceptance of resignation, addition of higher qualification in the service book etc.

Issuance of NOC for obtaining passport or permission for further studies.

Disposal of Parliament/Assembly questions and Assurances.

To send Para wise replies to the claims/writs filed in the Labour Court, High Court, Supreme Court and industrial Tribunal pertaining to the personal claims of categories of B, C & D employees.

The cases relating to leave encashment of the Retired Officers/officials of DTL and counting of past service etc.

Maintaining of personal files/service books including leave record, of all the employees, fixation of pay, drawal of salary, supplementary payment, ex-gratia payment, processing of cases for removal of anomalies, LTC cases, advance for scooter/car/cycle, festival/computer, fixation of pay on promotion, drawal of annual increments, maintenance of all types of penalty orders, settlement of final accounts on retirement/death/voluntary retirement.

To process the confirmation cases of all the employees except group ‘A’ posts.

The cases for grant of special pay/holiday pay etc.

To act as Disciplinary Authority for category “C” & Disciplinary & Appellate Authority for category “D”.

Matters pertaining to Labour Welfare , security division.

Dy. Manager (HR) - I

The HR-I unit is headed by Dy. Manager (HR-I) who looks after the following categories of posts:-

Category ‘B’

Sr. Shift Officer, Shift Officer, Foreman(Electric), Foreman(Lines), Foreman(Electronics), Head Draftsman, JE(Electrical), JE(Civil), Driver(Special Grade)

Category ‘C’

Sr. Electronic Asstt., Shift Incharge, Jr. Electronic Asstt., Foreman(Gr.II)/Sr. Tester, Foreman(Gr.II)(Electronics), Jr. Tester(Prot.), Draftsman(Gr.I)(Civil), Draftsman(Gr.II)(Civil/Mech.), Sr. Electric Fitter, Sr. Fitter(Civil), Oil Filter Operator, Jr. Welder, Sub-Station Attendant(Gr.I), Dak Rider, Tester(Prot.), Instrument Repairer & Tester, Sr. Instrument Repairer & Tester, Vehicle Driver, Asstt. Electric Fitter, Sub-Station Attendant(Gr.II), Sr. Gestetner Operator, Surveyor-cum-Estimator, ITI Helper, Ferro Printer, Liftman.

Category ‘D’

Fitter Mate (B&T), Gunman, Daftary, Hd. Watchman, Safaiwala, Security Guard, Asstt. Black Smith, ALM.

Following are the functions allocated to DM(A.I) in respect of the categories of posts under him: -

  1. To arrange recruitment of technical staff against direct recruitment posts through DSSSB.
  2. Conducting examinations for filling up the vacancies of Category B, C, & D posts (Tech.) by Promotion or direct recruitment.
  3. Recruitment of Category B, C, & D Tech staff on deputation including security staff/Gun man.
  4. Compassionate appointments both for group C and D Tech. posts.
  5. Maintenance of Seniority lists of the Category B and C & D (Tech.) posts.
  6. Processing of cases for promotion of relevant categories through departmental promotion committee meetings.
  7. Leave Matters involving substitutes, maternity/ paternity/ abortion leave etc. of the categories under his control.
  8. To process the cases of issue of NOC for registration with Employment Exchange of the technical posts under his control.
  9. To process the cases of issue of No Objection Certificate for obtaining passport afresh or renewal thereof for the categories of posts under his control.
  10. Placement/posting & transfers of category of personnel under his control.
  11. To deal with litigation cases inter-alia furnishing of comments/information to the Legal Cell/ Defence advocate in respect of the Industrial disputes/civil suits/writs/LPA/SLP etc.
    briefing the counsels and attending hearings in the Conciliation Industrial Tribunals, Lower Courts, High Court and Supreme Court pertaining to Tech Categories B, C and D under his control.
  12. To perform the duties as Member Secretary in various departmental promotion committees, screening committees for compassionate appointments and other sub-committees as and when formed for the purpose.
  13. Co-ordination with other Govt. agencies like SSC/DSSSB/ Employment Exchange, Govt. NCT of Delhi, for the recruitment of Category B,C&D(Tech.) staff.
  14. Preparation of monthly statements/progress reports.
  15. To supply documents and information to higher authority and other Establishments of the Board as and when required.
  16. Framing of R & P Rules of Technical posts (category B, C&D).
  17. W/Charge/contractual appointments.
  18. In-charge of HR Record.
  19. Any other work assigned by the Higher Authorities.

DY. Manager (HR.II)

The HR.II unit is headed by Dy. Manager (HR.II) who looks after the following categories of posts:-

Category ‘B’

S.O.(Vig.), S.O.(A/c), Supdt.(MSR), S.O.(HR), Sr. PA(E/H), Head Pharmacist, Sport Officer, Head Mistress(Middle) , Console Operator, Hindi Translator, Executive (Legal) Assistant

Security Inspector.

Category ‘C’

Cost A/c Asstt., P.A.(E),P.A(H) Asstt.Gr-I, Asstt.Gr.I(A/cs),Sr. Pharmacist, Jr.Console Operator, Head Mistress(primary, TGT, Asstt. Security Officer, PTI, Naib Techsilder, Jr.

Pharmacist, Nursery Teacher, Sewing & Emb. Teacher, Asstt. Lady Teacher, Security Inspector, sanitary Inspector, Asstt.Gr.-II, Jr.PA(E), Jr.PA(H), Sports Welfare Inspector,


Category ‘D’

Dresser, Female Attendant

Following are the functions allocated to DM(A.II) in respect of the categories of posts under him: -

  1. To arrange recruitment against direct recruitment quota of posts like AG-III, Junior Personal Assistant, Pharmacist, etc. through DSSSB.
  2. Conducting limited departmental competitive examinations for filling up the vacancies meant for Promotion through selection such as Asstt. Accountants, Asstt. Gr. I/II/III, Junior Personal Assistant/PA/Sr. PA, Hindi Translator etc.
  3. Recruitment of Categories B and C Non Tech staff on deputation
  4. Maintenance of seniority lists of the Non Technical Category B and C posts.
  5. Processing of cases of promotion of relevant categories of departmental promotion committee meetings.
  6. Leave Matters involving substitutes, maternity/ paternity/ abortion leave etc of the categories of staff under his control.
  7. To process the cases for issue of NOC for registration with Employment Exchange of the categories of posts under his control.
  8. To process the cases of issue of No Objection Certificate for obtaining passport afresh or renewal thereof with the approval of the DGM (HR) in respect of the categories of posts under his control.
  9. Placement/posting & transfers of different category of personnel under his control.
  10. To deal with litigation cases inter-alia, furnishing of comments/information to the Legal Cell/Defence advocate in respect of the Industrial disputes/civil suits/writs/LPA/SLP etc., briefing the counsels and attending hearings in the conciliation Industrial Tribunals, Lower Courts, High Court and Supreme Court pertaining to Non Tech Category B, C, & D post under his control.
  11. To perform the duties as Member Secretary in various departmental promotion committees under his control.
  12. Co-ordination with Govt. of NCT of Delhi for department of staff for election and other Govt. duties in exigency of work.
  13. Preparation of monthly statements/progress reports.
  14. Framing and amendment of R&P Regulations of Non-Tech categories of posts under his control.
  15. Cases of House Building Advance for the categories of staff under his control.
  16. Holding of enquiries and other matters.
  17. Any other work assigned by the higher authorities.

Assistant Manager (HR Policy)

  1. To review/revise wherever applicable, the existing working procedures/practices/manuals.
  2. To issue orders on the delegation of Admn/financial/ disciplinary/financial powers, of officers of various categories.
  3. To circulate important decisions of Govt. of India in DTL, from time to time.
  4. To prepare/review/revise the duty lists/functions/ responsibilities of various categories of posts.
  5. Updating orders regarding punctuality in attendance.
  6. Issuing circulars regarding instructions on office procedure.
  7. Reports regarding absentees-follow-up action.
  8. Record management drives – conducting of.
  9. Policy matters regarding compassionate appointments, Transfer policy.
  10. Preparation of the Organization Chart of DELHI TRANSCO LTD.
  11. To assist the senior officers of DTL regarding Work study of Delhi Transco Ltd. through various Govt. agencies.
  12. Furnishing and compiling of the replies of Parliament and Vidhan Sabha Questions/ Assurances after obtaining the same from other Departments w.e.f. 1.7.2002.
  13. Any other work assigned by senior officers from time to time.

Manager [HR]

  1. Maintenance of ACR Dossiers and Property Returns of the Officers and officials of the Company.
  1. In-charge of Housing and Confidential Cell.
  1. The matters pertaining to House Building Loan, recovery of licensing fee as well as damage charges.
  1. Preparation of priority list allotment of official accommodation.
  1. Allotment of flats/quarters to the employees of Transco Ltd.
  1. The cases for allowing officers/officials of the Board on training, for attending seminar/ conference in India and abroad.
  2. Cases regarding connection of land line telephones & taxies.
  3. To act as Estate Officer.

Asstt. Manager (HR)-HOUSING

  1. To supervise and handle all the work of Housing Cell.
  2. Any other work assigned by the higher offices.

Asstt. Manager (Finance) (EB)

  1. In-charge of Estt. Budget Cell.
  2. Preparation of yearly Establishment Budget, Mtc. of sanctioned strength, processing the cases for creation/up-gradation/abolition/re-designation of posts etc.
  3. Allotment of taxies, taxi bills. To maintain record of official vehicles and other related matters.
  4. To deal with cases concerning connection/ disconnection of MTNL telephones of DTL.
  5. To process the cases relating to Fixed Conveyance Allowance.
  6. To process cases relating to Foreign Assignment/Foreign Training.
  7. The cases for grant of special allowances/holiday pay/overtime.
  8. Assignment of ARR work.
  9. Microfilming of records.
  10. Any other duty assigned to him by the Higher Authorities.

Duties of Dy. Manager (HR) - G

He is working under the direct administrative control of the Dy.General Manager (HR) and his duties are :-

  1. Recruitment, promotion, confirmation and all personnel matters of officers of the rank of Category ‘A’ and above, both technical and Non-technical.
  2. All personnel matters including leave, allowances etc. in respect of Category ‘A’ officers.
  3. Maintenance of seniority lists and confidential reports of all Category‘A’ officers both technical and non-technical.
  4. Framing /Amendment of the R & P Regulations of category ‘A’ Posts
  5. Deputation/sponsoring/nomination of Category ‘A’ officers to foreign assignments/other Deptts./various conferences/seminars etc.
  6. Implementation of Pay Commission’s recommendations and allied matters/work relating to revision of scales, etc.
  7. To process the cases of the issue of No Objection Certificates in favour of all Category ‘A’ officers for obtaining passport afresh or renewal thereof with the approval of GM (A)/Director (HR)/CMD.
  8. Liaison and any other work assigned by the higher authorities.

Asstt. Manager (HR)-G – To assist Dy. Manager(HR)G

Private Secretary

  1. Incharge of personal section of the officer
  2. Dictation and typing on computer/typewriter
  3. Maintenance of confidential papers.
  4. Keeping record of meetings.
  5. Attending visitors.
  6. Dispatch of confidential letter.
  7. Attending telephone calls.
  8. Watching submission of returns in time to higher officers.
  9. Any other work assigned by the officer.

Senior Personal Assistant (English & Hindi)

  1. Dictation and typing on Computer/Typewriter
  2. Maintenance of confidential papers.
  3. Keeping record of meetings.
  4. Attending visitors.
  5. Dispatch of confidential letters.
  6. Attending telephone calls.
  7. Watching submission of returns in time to higher officers.
  8. Any other work assigned by the officer.

Personal Assistant (English & Hindi)

  1. Dictation and Typing on Computer/Typewriter
  2. Maintenance of Confidential Papers
  3. Dispatch of confidential letters.
  4. Attending telephone calls.
  5. Attending visitors.
  6. Any other work assigned by his officer.

Junior Personal Assistant (English and Hindi)

  1. Dictation and typing on Computer/Typewriter
  2. Typing from the manuscript or printed/typed material.
  3. Keeping record of meetings.
  4. Attending telephone calls.
  5. Any other work assigned by the officer.

Section Officer (Clerical)

  1. Supervise the work of the staff & ensure timely action in all matters.
  2. Ensure punctuality & regularity of the staff & checking of attendance.
  3. Proper & up-to-date maintenance of records in the section.
  4. Periodically review records of the section & obtain the orders from the higher officers for weeding out.
  5. Ensure timely procurement of stationary items from the stationary stores and distribution amongst the staff.
  6. Collecting of data and making available to the higher officers dealing with the case.
  7. Process and examination of important cases marked to him.
  8. Any other work assigned by the Senior Officers.

Duties of Hindi Translator

  1. To render assistance in organizing the seminars on Hindi, Hindi competitions & Hindi Diwas.
  2. To assist the various committees constituted for promoting Hindi in the various departments of the Company.
  3. To translate from English to Hindi and vice-versa.
  4. To assist in compiling the replies of Parliament/Vidhan Sabha in so far as Hindi Translation is required.
  5. To keep the records of the Hindi Cell.
  6. Any other work assigned by the senior officers.

Asstt. Grade-I

  1. Supervise the work of the staff in the section.
  2. Ensure timely submission of periodical reports/return to Sectional Heads.
  3. Ensure punctuality and regularity in attendance amongst the member of staff.
  4. Deal with the cases assigned to him by the senior officers
  5. Deal promptly with the queries from Officers/public.
  6. Submission of orders files/cases for review/weeding out according to the retention schedule.
  7. Submission of monthly attendance statement of the staff.
  8. Any other work assigned by the higher officers.

Asstt. Grade-II

  1. Process and examine the cases entrusted to him.
  2. Maintain diary and submit to Sectional Head once in a week.
  3. Bring to the notice of the Section Head for necessary action those important cases where delay is occurring.
  4. Preparation and submission of weekly statement of cases pending with him.
  5. Proper up keep and maintenance of all relevant records/registers under him.
  6. Provide assistance to higher officers in important cases when called for.
  7. Close the file when no further action is needed in the cases.
  8. Any other work assigned to him by higher officers specifically.

Asstt. Grade-III (Receipt & Dispatch Clerks)

  1. To diaries & dispatch the official dak/letters/files and to maintain the relevant registers/Peon books.
  2. To put up the letters, files, daks to the Sectional Heads for marking and filing in the relevant files.
  3. AG-IIIs who are working as dealing assistants may be assigned less important work with lower responsibilities as compared to AG-II wherever posted.
  4. Typing work as and when required.
  5. Any other work assigned to him by higher officers.


  1. Provide files and their proper maintenance.
  2. Replacement of covers of files when needed.
  3. Trace out the missing files amongst the section.
  4. Give and take the concerned files with him.
  5. Preparation of list in respect of the files which have been sent to the other departments and submission the same to the higher officer.
  6. Help the dealing Assistant in filling the papers.
  7. Stitching the files after closing.
  8. Pasting of vouchers.
  9. Any other work assigned by the Sr. Officers.

Driver (Staff Car/Vehicle)

  1. He will be responsible for driving of the vehicle under his charge and maintenance of the same in neat and tidy condition and proper order.
  2. He will have a general know how of the machine and the working of the vehicle.
  3. He will maintain upto date and in perfect order the log book of the vehicle. The completed log book may be handed over to the concerned offices so that the same can be made available when required.
  4. He will be responsible for renewal of vehicle license, road tax including fitness of the vehicle under his charge.
  5. He will be responsible for any kind of cleanliness of vehicle under his charge as also for penalty imposed by the concerned authority for negligent driving and disobedience of the traffic rules and regulations.
  6. He will be available as and when required for discharging the duties.
  7. He will be responsible for the maintenance of vehicle and essential requirements such as tyres, tubes, petrol/diesel/oiling, air etc.
  8. Any other work assigned to him by his superiors.

ALM (Non Tech.)

  1. To keep files in proper manner in Almirahs/Racks where Daftry are not available.
  2. Keep office accommodation neat & clean.
  3. Distribution of office files and records amongst the various officers and dealing hands and out side departments.
  4. To attend officers/staff for official requirements necessary for smooth flow of work.
  5. To render assistance for procurement of store items from stationary stores.
  6. To serve water to the staff and visitors at periodical intervals.
  7. Any other work assigned by his superiors.

Duty List Of Chief Vigilance Officer

Even though detection and punishment of corruption and other malpractices are certainly important, what is more important is taking preventive measures instead of hunting for the guilty in the post corruption stage. Therefore, the role and functions of CVOs has been broadly divided in to two parts, which are (I) Preventive and (II) Punitive.

On the preventive side

The CVOs undertake various measures, which include:

(a) To examine in detail the existing Rules and procedures of the Organization with a view to eliminate or minimize the scope for corruption or malpractices;

(b) To identify the sensitive/corruption prone spots in the Organization and keep an eye on personnel posted in such areas;

(c) To plan and enforce surprise inspections and regular inspections to detect the system failures and existence of corruption or malpractices;

(d) To maintain proper surveillance on officers of doubtful integrity; and

(e) To ensure prompt observance of Conduct Rules relating to integrity of the Officers, like

(i) The Annual Property Returns;

(ii) Gifts accepted by the officials

(iii) Benami transactions

(iv) Regarding relatives employed in private firms or doing private business etc.

On the punitive side:

(i) To ensure speedy processing of vigilance cases at all stages. In regard to cases requiring consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission, a decision as to whether the case had a vigilance angle shall in every case be taken by the CVO who, when in doubt, may refer the matter to his administrative head, i.e. Secretary in the case of Ministries/Departments and Chief Executive in the case of public sector organizations;

(ii) To ensure that charge-sheet, statement of imputations, lists of witness and documents etc. are carefully prepared and copies of all the documents relied upon and the statements of witnesses cited on behalf of the disciplinary authority are supplied wherever possible to the accused officer along with the charge-sheet;

(iii) To ensure that all documents required to be forwarded to the Inquiring Officer are carefully sorted out and sent promptly;

(iv) To ensure that there is no delay in the appointment of the Inquiring Officer, and that no dilatory tactics are adopted by the accused officer or the Presenting Officer;

(v) To ensure that the processing of the Inquiry Officer's Reports for final orders of the Disciplinary Authority is done properly and quickly;

(vi) To scrutinize final orders passed by the Disciplinary Authorities subordinate to the Ministry/Department, with a view to see whether a case for review is made out or not;

(vii) To see that proper assistance is given to the C.B.I. in the investigation of cases entrusted to them or started by them on their own source of information;

(viii) To take proper and adequate action with regard to writ petitions filed by accused officers;

(ix) To ensure that the Central Vigilance Commission is consulted at all stages where it is to be consulted and that as far as possible, the time limits prescribed in the Vigilance Manual for various stages are adhered to;

(x) To ensure prompt submission of returns to the Commission;

(xi) To review from time to time the existing arrangements for vigilance work in the Ministry/Department for vigilance work subordinate officers to see if they are adequate to ensure expeditious and effective disposal of vigilance work;

(xii) To ensure that the competent disciplinary authorities do not adopt a dilatory or law attitude in processing vigilance cases, thus knowingly otherwise helping the subject public servants, particularly in cases of officers due to retire;

(xiii) To ensure that cases against the public servants on the verge of retirement do not lapse due to time-limit for reasons such as misplacement of files etc. and that the orders passed in the cases of retiring officers are implemented in time; and

(xiv) To ensure that the period from the date of serving a charge-sheet in a disciplinary case to the submission of the report of the Inquiry Officer, should, ordinarily, not exceed six months.

DY. Manager (VIG.)

  1. To supervise the investigations of complaints against the officials of DTL.
  2. To supervise general inspection of various sections of DTL in regard to punctuality etc.
  3. To supervise /conduct raids wherever required.
  4. To liaise with various agencies of Govt. of India and Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
  5. To supervise processing of vigilance/disciplinary cases.
  6. To supervise vigilance/disciplinary clearance work.
  7. To supervise internal establishment matters of the Vigilance Department.
  8. Any other work assigned by superior authority.

Asstt. Manager (VIG.)

  1. He will be responsible for investigation or to cause investigations into the complaints against the officials of DTL.
  2. He will consider the investigation reports and put up the findings to Dy. Manager (Vig.) for further departmental action.
  3. He will get inquiry conducted by nomination of any Inquiry Officer/Presenting officer.
  4. To arrange concurrence with CVC where necessary/warranted.
  5. To process cases for framing draft article of charges/allegations/lists of witnesses/documents for disciplinary proceedings.
  6. To monitor/supervise the work of SOs/JEs posted under them.
  7. To supervise the work of VC/DC clearance.
  8. Any other work assigned by the Dy. Manager (Vig).

SOs/ JEs (Vig.)

  1. They will handle vigilance/disciplinary cases.
  2. They will investigate the complaints against the officials of DTL and put up the investigation reports.
  3. To attend various courts in connection with the Vigilance/disciplinary cases.
  4. Any other work assigned.


  1. Pro-active Vigilance-Checking of punctuality, uniform, drinking alcohol etc.
  2. Checking of staff in operation at girds regarding maintenance of log sheet.
  3. Surprise checking of Security staff employed in grids/offices.
  4. Inspection and gathering of information through intelligence staff for ensuring Security of Vital installations.
  5. To collect intelligence about law and order problem and to liaise with local police/other security agencies.
  6. To handle VC/DC clearance.
  7. Registration of new cases.
  8. Maintenance of vigilance/disciplinary records.
  9. To maintain records of property returns.

Legal Department

General Manager (Legal)/Dy. General Manager(Legal)* :-

He is to supervise all litigation and provide legal advice on matters referred from time to time. He is in charge of the Legal Department and responsible for exercising the administrative/disciplinary and financial powers as delegated to him. He is to assist the management in maintaining and reviewing panel of counsels and processing of their fees.

* Vide Item No. 18.2.12 of the Board meeting held on 27.9.2004, it has been decided that the posts of GM(Legal) and Dy.GM(Legal) will not be filled up at the same time.

Asstt. Manager (Legal) :-

He will be in-charge of Legal Assistants and will function under supervision and control of GM/DGM(Legal). He will be in charge of day-to-day office work and liaison with counsel and furnishing of required reports etc. to the higher authorities. He will also ensure compliance of court orders/directions wherever required by effectively liaisoning with different departments and panel advocates.

Legal Assistants:-

They will attend to hearing in assigned cases and liaison with counsels and obtain copies of court orders etc. They will attend briefing sessions and analyze assigned cases. They will also verify/process counsel bills. They will also put up monthly progress reports etc. and any other duties assigned by the Higher Authorities.

Chief Medical Officer

  1. Administration of all dispensaries of Transco.
  2. Control and supervision of Medical and para medical staff.
    a) To transfer Class III and Class IV employees of the Medical Department on administration grounds or otherwise by following prescribed procedure.
    b) To put up proposal for transfer of Doctors.
  3. To ensure availability of medicines, printing material etc. in all dispensaries at all times.
  4. To visit all dispensaries of Transco for redressal of the day-to-day problems, surprise check of medicine stock and storage, surprise check of medicine stock and storage, proper issue of medicines, problems of patients and general condition of sanitation and hygiene in the dispensaries.
  5. To arrange regular medical check-up of retired Transco employees for commutation of pension.
  6. To review every quarter the functioning of the medical department with all doctors and submit suitable report/proposals to the Administration.
  7. Control and supervision of the functioning of all the regular/camp/temporary dispensaries of the Company.
    i) Punctuality of staff
    ii) Availability of medicines;
    iii) Complaints of the patients
    iv) Checking of the medicines in hand with the staff so as to avoid pilferage, misappropriation and
    v) Looking after the normal hygiene of each of the dispensaries.
  8. Arrangement for timely procurement and issue of the medicines from the Central Medical Stores to the individual dispensaries as and when bulk procurement of medicine is made.
  9. Preparation of the Annual Indents of the medicines, printing items and other allied items and for the timely availability of these items for use in the Medical Department.
  10. Making substitute arrangements vide the regular staff in during their leave period or their sudden proceeding on leave being emergency services.
  11. Handling and finalizing audit matters.
  12. Collecting and submitting the date relating to the number of new and old patients, number of TB/Cancer patients, etc., if any.
  13. Preparation of Budget of the personnel, viz. Medical and para-medical both and sanction of the posts additionally required for the Medical Deptt.
  14. Sanction of the conveyance vouchers of the MOs/LMOs and other para-medical staff.
  15. Sanction cycle allowance to class IV employees.
  16. Deal with the vigilance cases and also to conduct raids/surprise checks for the mis-appropriation of the medicines etc. as and when made known.
  17. Issuance of necessary orders among all the staff working in the Medical Department for the betterment in providing medical services to the beneficiaries and also to circulate the office orders/instructions etc. relating to the Medical Deptt among them for compliance.
  18. Looking in to the grievances of the staff working in the Medical Deptt. and also to look into the complaints and demands of the patients attending the dispensaries of this undertaking.
  19. Conduct meeting etc. for the examination of the patients in routine, examination of the ex-employees for commutation of pensions, and for preparation of the annual budget of medicines and to finalize the cases of purchases of the medicines.
  20. Attending the meetings in connection with the Medical Deptt.
  21. Any other work assigned by the management.

Doctor Incharge of the Dispensary

  1. He/She will maintain discipline and order to the dispensary including use of prescribed uniform by the Dispensary Staff.
  2. He/She will keep his dispensary in a neat and clean position all the times.
  3. He/She will ensure the punctuality among staff.
  4. The workload among the Pharmacists etc. will also be distributed, more so whenever there is shortage of staff so that the dispensaries can run smoothly and conveniently.
  5. He/She will do random check daily of all the Counters particularly where medicines are being dispensed/distributed with regard to quality of medicines being given to the patients.
    a. Physical appearance/defects.
    b. Date of manufacture and expiry.
    c. Proper stamping of “Transco Property not for Sale’ etc.
  6. He/She shall carry out inspection of the Dispensary, which includes checks of the store, dressing, dispensing rooms and the receipt/issue indent books etc. at least once in a month and send the report to the Sr. MO (I/C).
  7. He/She will also visit the dispensary store at least twice a week for similar check.
  8. In case of non-availability of essential medicines/other day-to-day contingencies he/she will make use of his imprest money. A register for record of the same will also be maintained in a proper way.
  9. He/She will be personally responsible for the internal audit and audit by the MCD auditors of the Dispensary and shall have it carried out in accordance with the instructions issued from time to time.
  10. To exercise proper care and control over the use and maintenance of Ambulance Van of his/her Dispensary.
  11. He/She will deal other day-to-day correspondence received from the Administration from time to time.
  12. All these duties will be in addition to the normal duties of M.O/LMO.

Head Pharmacist Posted in the Dispensary

  1. To deal with the day-to-day correspondence received in the dispensary
  2. To assist the Incharge of the dispensary in all technical matters related to the pharmacy
  3. To check the medical claims submitted by the employees for verification
  4. To handle the incoming and outgoing dak received in the dispensary.
  5. All official work related to purchase of Emergency medicine stationary and other office equipment and other work related for smooth functioning of dispensary.
  6. To supervise the staff working in the dispensary.
    i) The Head Pharmacist will be working under the overall control and supervision of MO I/C dispensary.
    ii) He will perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by his seniors.

Head Pharmacist Posted in CMO office

  1. To deal with the day-to-day correspondence received in the office of CMO (Transco).
  2. To assist the CMO during –various meetings.
  3. To submit the statistical data as and when required.
  4. To deal with the day to day dak received in the office of CMO.
  5. To thoroughly check the medical bill of amounts exceeding limits submitted for C/S to CMO, including checking of date of referral to Hospital, checking of inadmissible medicines, signature of medical officer of the opted dispensary on the medical claims etc. of the employees of Transco and put up to CMO, Transco for counter signature.
  6. The Head Pharmacist will be working under the overall control and supervision of CMO. He will perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by CMO (Transco)

Senior Pharmacist (CMO Office)

  1. To divide items of indents in two groups. Viz Items manufactured by Govt. of India Undertaking and items manufactured by other manufactures.
  2. To arrange the meetings as per the advise of the Medical Board.
  3. To handle incoming and outgoing dak of medical board.

a) The Sr. Pharmacist will be working under the overall control and supervision of CMO.

b) He will assist the Chairman, Medical Board (M) in the preparing the annual indent of medicines and in finalizing the same as 1,2,3 and 4 above.

c) He will purchase some of the medicines from Super Bazar, which are needed in the Dispensary from the authorized chemist.

d) He will assist the medical board (Pension) and will do physical measurements/cheques etc. of the Pensioners.

e) He will maintain records of statistical data of the patients both new and old and data regarding communicable and water borne diseases in respect of all the dispensaries on monthly basis.

f) He/She will maintain a record of all the purchase orders of a complete financial year.

g) He will collect information from the offices other than Transco also as and when required.

h) He will maintain a master register showing the place of posting of all Doctors and staff/Paramedical staff working in Transco.

i) He will perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by Sr. Medical Officer/Sr. Officers of Transco.

Pharmacist on INJ. Duty

  1. He will be responsible for the efficient functioning of the Injection room provided.
  2. He will ensure that Syringes, needles, etc. are sterilized and maintained properly in an aseptic condition ready for administration of Injections.
  3. He will maintain a separate tray for Penicillin and Inj. containing Penicillin.
  4. He will keep ready at all times a spare syringe and requisite Inj. to combat an aphylactic reaction, if any.
  5. He will check the physical appearance of the medicine in the Amp. Vial, date of expiry, etc. before administering the Inj.
  6. He will specifically enquire from the patient of any adverse reaction to any Injection at any time.
  7. He will give all subsequent Inj. of Penicillin (single or in combination) while the test dose and the first close of Penicillin will invariably be given by MO/LMO.
  8. The pharmacist will not administer I.V. Inj.
  9. All I.M. Inj. will, however, be administered only under supervision of the M.O. and hence no Inj. will be administered in case M.O. is not available in the Dispensary.
  10. In the event of reaction to any Injection, he will immediately call the M.O./LMO who prescribed or on duty.
  11. He will maintain a record in a register of the Injection received and administered by him and the balance left over daily after the close of the dispensary and will sign the same. He will get the register checked up by the M.O. weekly or earlier when asked for.
  12. He will be in uniform (white coat) when on duty.
  13. He will perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by MO Incharge Dispensary/Sr. MO(I/C), Transco/HR

Pharmacist (Registration)

a) To make proper entries of Doctor’s prescription in the Out-door patients register. The name, E. No., diagnosis, Registration No. of Medical Card will be mentioned in the OPD Registers in all the cases.

b) At the end of day he will write the No. of patients examined by Doctor. Old Nos. total and will sign.

c) Preparation of monthly statements showing total number of old and new Patients attending the dispensary.

d) To attend to the duties of Store Keeper, Pharmacist/Injection/Dispensary, Counter etc. when ordered by the MOI/IC of the Disp. and any other duty that may be specifically assigned by the MO Incharge, Disp./LMO Transco Administration from time to time.

Pharmacist (Dispensing)

The pharmacist will be personally responsible for the correct dispensing as per prescription issued by the Medical Officer. He will be responsible for the record and the safe custody of the stores received by him. He will issued medicines, mixtures, etc. in accordance with the instructions issued by the Medical Officer/Lady Medical Officer I/C Dispensary from time to time.

  1. He will maintain weighing seals and balances in good working condition.
  2. He will dispense stock mixtures/syrups & other medicines properly counted, measured or weighed.
  3. The pharmacist will write the name of the medicines with details of the does on the mixtures/syrup bottle and container envelope and also explain the doses verbally.
  4. He will ensure that no defective medicine is issued to any of the patient/employee in respect of following: -
    i) Physical appearance
    ii) Batch No., date of manufacturing / expiry
    iii) Proper stamping of Transco Property not for Sale etc.
  5. The pharmacist on shift duty will leave only on being relieved by the Pharmacist of the next shift.
  6. The Pharmacist will maintain proper account of items issued to him, dispensed by him and the balance in stock with him. At the end of each day he will stock out the balance with him and record it in a register maintained by him and sign the same. He will get the register checked by MO weekly and whenever asked for.
  7. The Pharmacist will immediately comply with the instructions and arrange for the stock with him to the checked at any time by the MO/MO In charge any other Officer deputed by the Administration.
  8. In the temporary absence of the Store Keeper, the pharmacist will perform the duties of the Store Keeper whenever required by the MO/LMO/I.C of Dispensary.
  9. The Pharmacist will perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the MO/LMO of dispensary/Sr. LMO, Transco/Administration from time to time.

Senior Pharmacist (Store Pharmacist) DISP.

  1. The Senior Pharmacist Store-in-Charge will be responsible to the Sr. MO (I/C) and the MO entrusted with the supervision of the dispensary store for the safety, protection from loss, damage or deterioration in the condition of the stock entrusted to his charge. He will arrange to keep stores in a neat & orderly manner & ensure that all the containers, bottles. Package etc properly labeled and arrange the medicines Group Wise e.g. H-Schedule.
  2. He will ensure that no defective medicine is available in the store as regards physical appearance, date of expiry, proper embossing.
  3. He will prepare under guidance and supervision of the MO Incharge, regular indents and procure emergency medicines from the authorized chemists.
  4. He will take necessary steps to replenish stock well in time to avoid any difficulty in supply on account of any item going out of stock. He shall bring to the notice of MO/MO I/C the items running short and prepare supplementary indent that.
  5. He will duly initials the indent and thereafter have it countersigned, and his signature attested by MO /MO I/C, dispensary before submission as per instructions issued from time to time.
  6. He will examine, count, measure or weigh, as the ease may be the stores received by the dispensary. At the time of the receipt, he will check that the quantities are correct and that the stores are in good condition. Before the stores are taken on the stock register, he will get them verified by the Medical Officer (Incharge) dispensary and also immediately bring in their notice anything found to the contrary like any discrepancy in the following: -
    i) Physical appearance.
    ii) Batch No. date of manufacturing or expiry.
    iii) Proper stamp of “Transco” property not for sale etc.
  7. He will bring to the notice of the Medical Officer (Incharge) Dispensary stocks of such preparations, which are accumulating in the Dispensary store beyond the need of the dispensary.
  8. He will be responsible for correct accounting of all the stores and for maintaining stock in store register and inventories as regards, receipt and dead stock etc. He shall make entries in register and file the vouchers in the serial order and procedure for checking/inspection at the time of verification of stores by Medical Officer/Lady Medical Officer, Incharge Dispensary.
  9. He shall issue to pharmacist, etc. Medicines stores under his custody only on the authorization of the Medical Officer/Medical Officer Incharge of the dispensary.
  10. The store keeper will be responsible for obtaining written acknowledgements from staff to whom the stores are issued from the store for dispensing injections, dressings etc.
  11. Costly medicines, full tubes, phials, vials will be issued to the patients/their attendants on production of special slips prescribed by the Medical Officer Incharge of the dispensary against acknowledgement from them in a register. The MO/MO Incharge Dispensaries will check this register from the special chits retained by the store.
  12. He will pay special attention to the short life items and maintain their records in a separate register (short life register) and put this upto the Medical Officer/Medical Officer (Incharge) dispensary at the beginning of the months pointing out such preparations with a threatening expiry. He should ask for specific orders of the Medical Officer/Lady Medical Officer Incharge, dispensaries for their disposal.
  13. He will initial all the entries in the stock ledger pertaining to the receipt and issue of the Stores. Receipt entries may preferably be made in red ink & entries in blue.
  14. He will comply with all the instructions regarding store of custody and accounting procedure issued by store/Accounts Deptt. from time to time.
  15. He will mention the manufacturing date, expiry date & batch in the ledger.
  16. On transfers or while proceeding on long leave, he will handover the charge of the stores to his successor and furnishes a handing over and taking over charge to the MO I/C of dispensary.
  17. He will also assist in the dispensing/injection work whenever so required by the Medical Officer/Medical Officer Incharge of Dispensary.
  18. He will carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Medical Officer/Medical Officer Sr. most of the dispensary/Sr. Medical Officer, Transco/HR from time to time.

Dresser/Sr. Dresser

  1. The Sr. Dressers will be responsible for dressing wounds.
  2. He will render first aid in emergency cases and guidance of Pharmacist/M.O., keep the same properly and issue to the patients in accordance with the instructions of the medical Officer/Lady Medical.
  3. He will keep the dressing room clean and tidy. All containers of lotions, power and ointments shall be properly labeled, stoppered and arranged.
  4. He will keep medicines for Eye and Ear in separate trays.
  5. The lotions, ointments, etc for dressings will be kept in a separate tray.
  6. In the case of female patients and their being no separate female dressers male dresser will do the dressing in the presence of the relative of the patients or the female attendant of the dispensary.
  7. He will maintain proper account of the medicines drawn from the dispensary stores.
  8. He will keep the weighing scales in a clean and working condition.
  9. He will keep dressing material i.e. cotton, linen bandages & Gauze etc. stored properly & not exposed to dust. The dresser while on duty will wear a white apron.
  10. He will carry out any other duty as may be assigned to him.

Female Attendant

  1. The Female Attendant will be responsible for controlling the flow of patients to the consulting room of the LMO.
  2. She will assist the LMO in examination of the female patients on all working days.
  3. She will be present in the dressing room whenever required to do so.
  4. She will assist the LMO in sterilization of various equipments used by her for examination and injections as well.
  5. The female attendant will accompany the LMO for the domiciliary visit to assist the LMO in attending emergencies.
  6. She will assist/attend to delivery cases inside the residential colony of Transco if Dispensary is located there and she is also provided residential accommodation there and if the Mid-wife is not available i.e. on weekly rest or leave.
  7. She will assist the Mid-wife and the Lady Health visitor as and when required under order of LMO.
  8. The Female attendant will carry our any other duty assigned to her by LMO/MO I/C/Dispensary/Sr. MO.

Duty List - Training Division

Manager [HR] (Trg.)

  1. Overall incharge of the Training division.
  2. Planning, implementing and evaluating the internal formal training in DTL, co-ordination and administration of external training.
  3. Evaluate effectiveness of programmes conducted.
  4. Advise and assist supervisory personnel in proper methods and techniques of training.
  5. Identify training needs and design training programmes accordingly.
  6. Co-ordinate with different training Institutes like NPTI, PSTI, ISTM, DPC, ASCI, ESCI, IIM etc. in connection with training.

Asstt. Managers(Tech.)/(HR)

  1. To prepare the training calendar for providing in-house training to the officers/staff of DTL.
  2. Organizing and coordinating promotion related training programmes from time-to-time.
  3. Finalize the modules for these promotion-related trainings.
  4. To seek nominations for technical/non-technical training programmes/conventions/workshops/seminars to be conducted by various training institutes.
  5. To confirm the nominations as approved by the competent authority to the concerned Institutes.
  6. To process the feedback report of the participants and also to process for making payment to the concerned institutes.
  7. To procure various articles of office furniture for the training hall and other related training aids and maintenance thereof.
  8. To process cases in respect of summer training of the students of various engineering courses.
  9. To liaise with various training institutes for identification of effective training courses.
  10. To prepare Annual Budget for training deptt.
  11. Maintain and upgrade reading material of different training programmes.
  12. To prepare data bank of the employees of DTL regarding training attended.
  13. To prepare data bank of the in-house faculty available in DTL.
  14. To prepare monthly summary of trainings held during the preceding month and send the report to higher authorities.

Duty List of The Security Deptt.

Dy. Security Officer

He will be overall in-charge of the security department and will be responsible through GM(HR)

Assistant Security Officer

  1. Asstt. Security Officer is the in-charge of the buildings or in-charge of installations such as 400KV/220KV Grids/Stores under Transco 400KV / 220 KV Grids/Stores etc. under Transco or he can be posted at the Head Quarter of the Security Department.
  2. He will be responsible for the supervision control and maintenance of discipline over the men posted in his Circle/Installation/Head Quarters.
  3. He will ensure that every member of the force is punctual and regular in attending to his duty.
  4. He will co-ordinate with other departments in his Circle/Installation to ensure smooth functioning and efficiency.
  5. He will help the Dy. Security Officer in imparting training to the Security Guards.
  6. He will ensure that the security staff is briefed properly regarding their duties and responsibilities.
  7. He will ensure that no one enters the area of the installation without Identity Card or without permission from the competent authority.
  8. Photography of any ‘Prohibited Place; is forbidden under the official Secret Act 19 of 1923 and he will ensure that nobody takes photographs of the vital installation. He will take necessary steps such as fixing of the notices to this effect.
  9. He will ensure that all ranks attend duties in proper uniform and also arrange to issue the uniform through the stores.
  10. He will be responsible for maintenance and proper upkeep of the records of his office and circle.
  11. He will be responsible for implementing the recommendations made by the Industrial Security Inspection Team, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India by the concerned departments.
  12. He will ensure that the entry to the installation/buildings/stores is made through the main gates only.
  13. He will be responsible for prevention and detection of crime in his circle/installation. He will take necessary steps and issue instructions to his sub-ordinates to this effect.
  14. As soon as a cognizable offence occur in his circle/installation, he will contact the police and get the case registered by the departmental concerned.
  15. He will remain in touch with the police and help the police in proper investigation of the cases. As soon as the case is put up in the Court of Law, he will have the follow up done with the help of the police.
  16. He will be responsible for collection of intelligence information regarding the activities of Anti Social and Disgruntled elements.
  17. He will visit various installations, offices, stores, cash office of the Transco, during the day to ensure that the instructions issued by the Senior Officers and by himself are being complied with.
  18. He will carry out night checking of these installations etc. in his circle/installation once in a fortnight.
  19. He will keep the Senior Officers informed about the incidents, labour union/association activities either by sending a daily report and/or through telephone.
  20. He will submit a weekly report on every Monday to higher authorities.
  21. He can be entrusted with any other work by the Security Officer/Dy. Security Officer/GM (A)/DIR (HR) as and when required.
  22. The orders and instructions given to him regarding strengthening the security arrangements at Admn. Buildings/ 400KV / 220KV / Stores and other installations should be told to the Security Guards to ensure the correct performance of duty by them. They should also be briefed regarding checking of the places of their duty and in case any suspicious object is found, the matter should immediately be reported to the higher authorities and to the police and the object should not be touched or removed by the security staff on duty.
  23. He is the head of the force in his area/installation and he will have to get an example of honesty/high discipline, and good personal conduct so that he is followed by his staff in the circle/installation.
  24. While carrying out checking during day and night he should check the first aid/fire fighting equipments to ensure that the same are in working order and if any equipment needs repair or re-fill, report should be sent to the concerned Quarter immediately.

Security Inspector And Assistant s.i. on General Duties

  1. There are installations such as 400KV/220KV/66KV Grid Stations, Stores, Offices where the Security staff is posted for the protection of the DTL property. One Security Inspector will be in-charge of 220KV / 400KV Grid sub-station and he will be responsible for the security of the installations falling in his jurisdiction.
  2. He will assist the Assistant Security Officer in the performance of the duties relating to his jurisdiction.
  3. He will be responsible for the supervision, control and discipline of the security staff posted at various places in his jurisdiction.
  4. He will ensure that the security staff posted under him perform duties in uniform, are punctual and regular in attendance and no Security Guard/Head Watchman performs duties for more than 8 hours.
  5. He will maintain liaison with the officers of the other departments in his area of operation.
  6. He will take all necessary steps required for the better protection and security of the installations and the property of the DTL.
  7. He will ensure that security staff are fully conversant with their duties and responsibilities and he will issue necessary instructions from time to time for their guidance. He will also brief them personally from time to time.
  8. He will carryout the surprise checks of the installations during the day to ensure that the staff is present and alert on duty.
  9. He will also carry out surprise checks of the installations in his jurisdiction during night once a week.
  10. He will carry out surprise checks of the vehicles going in and coming out of stores.
  11. He will maintain the records of his office and at the installations within his jurisdiction.
  12. He will be responsible for collection of intelligence information and inform the Assistant Security Officer without loss of time regarding the activities of antisocial and disgruntled elements. He will submit a daily report to the Assistant Security Officer regarding the various activities of his area/circle.
  13. He will maintain close liaison with the Police and report any incident to the police as and when required.
  14. He will be responsible for the prevention and detection of crime in his area and will collect necessary information regarding such elements indulging any theft, damage of any kind, mis-appropriation and pilferage etc. to the DTL property.
  15. As soon as a case is reported/registered with the police by the Sectional Head, he will be responsible for the maintenance of the record of the cases and follow up of investigation with the police to ensure that the investigation is completed expeditiously and the case is sent up to the Court. He will keep a watch on the progress of the case in the Court and will inform Assistant Security Officer.
  16. During his visit to the installations and other places, he will check the perimeter wall/fencing and in case of any breakage, he will take up the matter with the Civil Department and get the same repaired.
  17. He will submit a weekly report to the Assistant Security Officer regarding the work done during week and the report must reach the Asstt. Security Officer every Monday positively.
  18. Photography of any ‘Prohibited Place’ is forbidden under the official secrets Act 19 of 1923 and he will ensure that nobody takes photography of the vital installations.
  19. He will be responsible for getting the recommendations made by the Industrial Security Inspection Team, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India implements by the concerned departments.
  20. He is the head of the force in his district area and he will have to set an example of high discipline, a very good personal conduct so that he is followed by his staff in the area/circle.
  21. He will forward all applications regarding Casual Leave, Earned Leave of his staff to the higher authorities DM(HR)-II for necessary action. While recommending leave, the will ensure that the adequate strength is available for performance of duties at each installation/office.
  22. The orders and instructions given regarding strengthening the security arrangements at office buildings, stores and other installations should be told to the Security Guards to ensure the correct performance of duty by them. They should also be briefed regarding checking of the places of their duty and in case any suspicious object is found, the matter should immediately be reported to the higher authorities and the object should not be touched or removed by the Security staff on duty.
  23. While carrying out checking during day and night, he should check the first-aid fire fighting equipment to ensure that the same are in working order and if any equipment needs repair or re-fill, report should be sent to the Fire Officer immediately.
  24. It has been laid down in the Standing Orders, 1953 at page 49, para 11 that no workman shall enter or leave the installations/offices/stores except by the gate or gates appointed for the purpose. The workmen are liable to be searched by the security staff, acting without malice if it is suspected that any workman who is so detained is in wrongful possession of property belonging to DTL. It will, therefore, be the responsibility of the Security Inspector to ensure that the search of suspected persons is carried out by the Security staff.
  25. He will ensure that the records are maintained in the store with the help of the Security Guard on duty.
  26. He can be assigned any other duty by the Assistant Security Officer from time to time.

Duties of Head Watchman

  1. Head Watchmen are posted in the main buildings of Transco, 400KV / 220KV Grid and stores etc. In order to assist them in the performance of their duties, security guards are attached with them and in such cases, they will be responsible for the supervision of the work of the security guard.
  2. He will patrol the area in his jurisdiction and check the security guards on duty. In case the security guard is slack or absent or any other incident comes to his notice, he will make an entry in the Roznamcha and report the matter to the Security Inspector or Asstt. Security Officers about the indiscipline, misbehavior and inefficient performance of the Security Guards.
  3. Before posting the Security Guards on duty, he will brief them about their duties and responsibilities.
  4. He will not allow anybody to enter the premises except through the main gate/wicket gate.
  5. He will assist the Security Inspector in carrying out his duties properly.
  6. He will check all the out-going and incoming vehicles and will not allow any material to be taken out from the installation or the store without producing the proper gate pass/docket.
  7. He will ensure that all the offices are locked and keys are deposited in the key-box maintained at the Security Control Room and the other places ear-marked.
  8. In case of fire, he will inform the Delhi Fire Service, hospital/nearby dispensary situated near the place of incident for despatching Ambulance along with doctor & other staff, immediately and take all necessary steps to extinguish it till Fire-Brigade from Delhi Fire Service reaches the spot.
  9. He will assist the Security Inspector and Asstt. Security Officer for the collection of information of interest and inform him about any incident.
  10. Whenever any suspicious object is seen near the duty place, matter should immediately be reported to the higher authorities and the police and the security staff shall not touch or remove the object. Before taking over the charge of their post at installations, they must search the area.
  11. He will not allow any person to take photograph of the installation.
  12. He will perform any other duty assigned to him by the Asstt. Security Officer/Security Inspector from time to time.

Head Watchman Maintaining Arms & Ammunition

  1. One Head Watchman is maintaining arms & ammunition at Shakti Sadan and he is responsible for he ensuring that the licenses are renewed in time. He will also ensure that the ammunition is in safe custody and in good condition. In order to maintain the arms properly, it would be his responsibility to ensure daily cleaning and re-browning at the appropriate time. He will be directly responsible to the Security Inspector, Shakti Sadan and submit a daily diary to him of the work done by him from time to time. He will also make an entry in the Roznamcha of issue and receipt of arms and ammunition.
  2. Any other work can be assigned by SI/ASO.

Security Guard On Main Gate Of The Concerned Store

  1. He will check all the out going and incoming vehicles from and to the stores and sub-station. He will ensure that no material is taken out from the Sub-stations/office buildings/Store/ without proper gate pass/docket.
  2. He will check the material as per the docket/gate pass and make entries in the register to this effect. He will mention the date and time on the back of the docket/gate pass at the time of allowing the material out of the stores/ sub-station building and also state the number of the vehicle carrying the material. He will put his signature with designation in token of having checked the material.
  3. He will keep the dockets and gate passes in safe custody and shall enter them in the register.
  4. He will maintain a register in which incoming material is to be entered and proper records are to be kept. He will maintain the date & time of material taken out and taken in with his signature & designation in the Register/Roznamcha. He will also mention the number of the vehicle carrying the material.
  5. He will be responsible for getting the material weighed/measured/counted as the case may be, in his presence, in case of the material which is being taken out or which has been brought to the stores.
  6. He will produce the record as and when asked for, for inspection or in any case which is being dealt by the vigilance.
  7. He will keep proper record of any incidents in the store and report to the S.I./A.S.O. to take action in such matters.
  8. In order to ensure the safe custody and proper maintenance of docket/gate passes, he will paste them in the pasting file. He will keep this record in proper shape for inspection or any other purpose.
  9. In case of emergency, the material may be allowed by the security guard on duty and the entry should be made in the Roznamcha which should be signed not below the rank of Asstt. Manager (T). Security Guard will inspect the Roznamcha next day and he will send a report to the ASO and to the Manager (Stores) giving the details of the stores taken out after 4.00 p.m.
  10. The Security Guard on duty will check the Identity Cards of the persons taking out the material and then allow them.
  11. The orders and instructions given regarding strengthening the Security arrangements at vital installations office buildings/stores should be told to the Security Guard to ensure the correct performance of duty by them. They should also be briefed regarding checking of the places of their duty and in case any suspicious object is found, the matter should immediately be reported to the higher authorities and the object should not be touched or removed by the security staff on duty.
  12. He will submit a fortnightly report in the prescribed proforma to the ASO regarding shortages/excesses/pilferage or any other malpractices being followed in the Stores.
  13. He can be assigned any other duty by the Asstt. Security Officer from time to time.


  1. He will be responsible for the maintenance and proper up-keep and safety of the arms and ammunition issued to him. In case of any defect, he will immediately report to the Head Watchman maintaining the Arms and Ammunition at Shakti Sadan.
  2. While on duty he will be in proper uniform and keep the arms and ammunition in his personal custody and will not leave it unattended at any point of time during the course of his duty.
  3. He will perform the duty according to the standing orders issued for Cash office / or for other vital installations.
  4. No Gunman will leave his place of duty till he is relieved by another Gunman.
  5. Arms & Ammunition will be issued to him daily from the “KOT” by the Head Watchman. He will carefully inspect the gun and count the ammunition issued to him. Similarly, after performing the duties, he will deposit the arms and ammunition in the “KOT”. In both the cases entry will be made in the Roznamcha.
  6. He can be assigned any other duty by ASO from time to time.

Security Guard (Posted at 400/220KV Sub-Stations)

Security Guards are posted on 8 hours shift duty at vital installations, stores and offices of DTL. While on duty, they shall always be in full uniform. They are responsible for the security of the installations/offices where they are posted. They have to assist the Head Watchman, and Security Inspectors in the performance of their duties. While posted at a particular place, they will perform the following duties:-

  1. They will check identity card/pass of all the persons entering the substation and will not allow anybody to enter without that. He will also check the bags/brief cases etc. of the persons entering the premises.
  2. At the time of personnel going out, they will check the bags/brief cases etc. of persons if there is any suspicion of their carrying any material of the DTL.
  3. They will note down the number of the vehicle and name of the driver entering the sub-station in the vehicle log book /register/roznamcha. In case any vehicle is carrying any material, they will check the challan.
  4. While on patrolling, the Security Guard will remain vigilant and alert and carefully search all places where the criminals can hide themselves or the stolen material.
  5. They will collect information regarding the prevention and detention of crime and inform the Security Inspector about it.
  6. There are 400KV/220KV Switch Yards in the premises of the 400KV/220KV sub-stations of DTL. The Security Guard on duty will allow the staff working in the switch yard and none else.
  7. 7. They will check the visitors and direct them to the Receptionist for taking the gate passes. In case is carrying bag/brief case etc., he will check the same to ensure that no incriminating or explosive weapons, cameras etc. are found. In such a situation, they will not allow the visitor to go in and inform the Security Inspector to take further action.
  8. Contractors are engaged for construction of the buildings or for any other purposes in the sub-station. The security guard on duty will ensure that the contractor’s labour is not allowed to loiter in any other area and they should be asked to remain in the area or the premises where the construction work is going on. The security guard at the gate will not allow the children of the contractor’s labour to enter the premises.
  9. Whenever any suspicious object is seen near the duty place, matter should immediately be reported to the higher authorities and the police and the security staff shall not touch or remove the object. Before taking over the charge of their post at installations, they much search the area.
  10. They can be assigned any other duty by ASO or SI in-charge of the shift. 

Security Guard (General Duties)

Security Guards are posted on 08 hours’ shift duty at vital installations, stores and offices of DTL. While on duty, they shall always be in full uniform. They are responsible for the security of the installations/offices where they are posted. They have to assist the Head Watchman, and Security Inspectors in the performance of their duties. While posted at a particular place, they will perform the following duties:-

  1. They will not leave his place of duty unless relieved by another Security Guard.
  2. They will be polite, courteous and firm in their conduct and behavior with visitors.
  3. During the working hours they will check each and every item at the time material is taken out of the stores/sub-station/building.
  4. They will make an entry in the vehicle log register for all the vehicles at the time of entry and exit to the store/premises/sub-station/building. He will mention the number of the Vehicle and the name of the driver.
  5. While on duty at the stores/godown sheds, they must ensure that doors, windows and ventilators are properly closed and the door is locked at the time staff leaves the stores/godown. After the store is closed, they will not allow anybody to take the material from the premises. In case the material is to be taken out of the store/godown in any emergency situation, they will not allow it to be taken out by a person below the status of Manager. In this situation he will request the Manager to make an entry in the Roznamcha for having taken the material and he must ensure that full details of the material are mentioned in the Roznamcha by the officer personally.
  6. They will check the pass/identity cards of the persons entering the premises and carry out the search of the bags/brief cases etc.
  7. They will allow entry only through the main gate.
  8. They will remain vigilant and alert and keep the gate closed. They will allow the entry of a person only after they are satisfied about the identity of the person and allow him to come through the wicket gate. They will open the main gate only when vehicle is to be allowed to enter. After office hours, the gates should be closed and locked.
  9. In case of fire, they will take steps to extinguish and also inform Delhi Fire Service and DTL Fire Service through telephone. They will also inform the concerned Sectional Heads i.e. the Manager (Stores)/office on telephone.
  10. During the day, there are 2 Security Guards on duty in the stores, one will be at the gate and the other at the watch tower. The Security Guard on watch tower duty will make sure that no unauthorized person enters the area by scaling over the wall or otherwise.
  11. During the night, there are three Security Guards, 2 at the gate and one at the watch tower. One of the two persons at the gate will patrol the area by rotation and the Security Guard at the watch tower duty will ensure that no unauthorized person enters by scaling over the wall or otherwise.
  12. Whenever any suspicious object is seen near the duty place, matter should immediately be reported to the higher authorities and the police and security staff shall not touch or remove the object. Before taking over the charge or their post at installations, they must search the area.
  13. They can be assigned any other duty by ASO or SI from time to time.

Asstt. Manager (HR) Record

  1. Attestation and authentication of entries in the service books relating to transfers, promotion, drawal of increments etc.
  2. Drawing of annual increment in the regular pay scale in respect of all officers/employees.
  3. To deal with settlement of final accounts and preparation of claims under special contribution to the Provident Fund.
  4. Timely disposal of cases of retirement of all class of officers/employees.
  5. Fixation of pay as a result of removal of anomalies, grant of higher scale and promotions to higher grades.
  6. proper maintenance of service books, leave record, annual increments and establishment check registers.
  7. Attending to Internal Audit and the Audit queries and objections pertaining to establishment billing.
  8. Fixation of pay of the officers/officials on deputation in Transco issuance of
  9. Forwarding the applications of Transco employees for employment outside DTL as per the procedure.
  10. Processing of cases pertaining to car/scooter advances.
  11. Processing of cases of NGIS in respect of retired/expired employees after finalization of all the relevant retirement benefits.
  12. Countersigning of first Medical Prescription Card after it is prepared by the respective Sectional Head i.e. under whom the employee has been posted for drawal of medical facilities. In case of officers on deputation, the Medical Prescription Card is prepared by the respective cadre controlling authority
  13. Processing of claim with regard to LTC advance and its adjustment after completion of journey by the employee concerned and forwarding his personal file to AM (F) wages for further necessary action.
  14. Any other work assigned by Sr. Officers relating to above.

Section Officer (HR) Record

He is in-charge of the Section under the administrative control of AM (Billing) and is responsible for the following functions: -

  1. To verify and issue first and subsequent medical Prescription Card to the employees concerned after preparation by the Dealing Asstt.
  2. Marking of Dak/Representations received from the employees to the Dealing Asstt concerned.
  3. Examining and Processing of the cases of NGIS in respect of the retired/expired/ resigned employees after finalization of all the retirement benefits.
  4. Examining and processing of the cases of Car/Scooter advances.
  5. Examining and processing of LTC cases of the employees.
  6. To check the pay fixation after it is put up by the Dealing Asstt for authentication by AM (B)/ AM (Audit).
  7. To examine and process the cases of removal of anomalies in pay.
  8. To pursue the cases of deceased/retired/ resigned employees and its timely submission to AM (P)/AM (GPF) for settlement of final account.
  9. To examine and process the cases of the claimants for I.O.C (Investigation of Claims).

Asstt. Grade-I (HR) Record

  1. To check fixation of pay before it is put up to Asstt. Manager(B) for authentication through SO (Billing).
  2. To check Annual Increment drawn by Dealing Asstt’s.
  3. Forwarding the P/files to various other Deptts.
  4. To examine removal of anomaly cases.
  5. To check pay certificate/loan proposals/LTC advances festival advance/LPC/Change of name/change of address.
  6. To authenticate Service Books/Leave accounts/Service verification.
  7. To check all the work carried out by the dealing Asstt., before it is put up to Asstt. Manager (Billing) and some cases through SO (Billing).
  8. All other misc. work relating to Record Section assigned by SO/Asstt. Manager concerned from time to time.

Dealing Assistants in Record Section

  1. Maintenance of Service Book, P/file and dealing of leave record in service book pertaining to the respective employees and calculation of Half Pay and W/O pay leave including recoveries thereof.
  2. Drawl of annual increments of all the employees in service book after giving due effect of W/O pay leave etc. and authentication of the same.
  3. To deal with cases of change of residential addresses and allow/disallow HRA as the case may be.
  4. To prepare and issue Medical Prescription Cards and also addition /deletion of member.
  5. To prepare salary certificates on the request of employees for:
    a. Submission in Court.
    b. Taking membership in societies.
    c. Taking loans from CPF/GPF.
  6. To deal with and verify particulars for those who apply for out side employment through proper channel.
  7. To attend Court cases pertaining to Deptt. and to give Para-wise comments on the points to legal Department.
  8. To deal with cases of removal of anomalies.
  9. To send Personal file for approval of Competent Authority under FR-27.
  10. To draw supplementary bill for subsistence allowance in cases of suspension.
  11. To deal with cases of LTC advance and adjustment of claim on completion of journey.
  12. Fixation of pay on promotion and other employees, those on deputation and drawal of differences of pay though supp. Bills.
  13. To keep record of various loans taken by employees i.e. GPFL, Festival Advance, Scooter Advance, House Building Advance.
  14. To issue letters to the retiring employees and others Deptts. One year in advance before retirement.
  15. To prepare and receive LPCs of deputationist /employees.
  16. Further correspondence in case of those on deputation and repatriated to their parent deptt.
  17. Forwarding of P/files of employees to HR on requisition to deal with their cases of addition of qualification, Maternity leave/paternity leave, change of name, home town, resignation, voluntary retirement and other various representations.
  18. To get the period of absence condoned treating the same as “Dies-non” from the competent authority to avoid any break in service for payment of entire retirement benefit to the retiring employee where necessary.
  19. To issue clearance certificate to all the concerned Sectional Heads for giving no-dues certificate.
  20. To process the case for obtaining approval and sanction for encashment of earned leave lying at credit on the date of retirement/death from the competent authority to draw the payment on a/c of leave encashment through S/Bill accordingly.
  21. To provide pension information on the prescribed proforma, last 10 months’ salary statement and last pay certificate to pension cell for the finalization of pension and death-cum-retirement Gratuity.
  22. To process the case for the finalization of GPF a/c and old GIS A/c’s.
  23. To process the case for the settlement of NGIS claim.
  24. To prepare the final salary bill considering the entire no-dues certificate received from sectional heads.
  25. To provide no-dues certificate after settlement of all the a/c’s to pension cell for the release of with held amount of DCRG.
  26. To deal with all the representation recd. from the ex-employee of DVB.
  27. To process application of festival advance after making verification of pay etc.
  28. To process the case for obtaining I.O.C. from the Competent Authority.
  29. To make entries of change/allotment of Delhi Transco Ltd. Quarters in the Personal file/Service book of employees.
  30. To process the cases for grant of Scooter/Car/Motor cycle advances by making following exercises: -
    a. Booking
    b. Sanction
    c. Release of advance.
    d. Mortgage of Vehicles.
    e. Refund of stamp papers.
    f. Other relevant action to be taken.
  31. To process the cases for revised pensionary benefits for Delhi Transco Ltd. pensioners/family pensioners who retired/ expired.
  32. To make recovery of amount from salary as per court attachment order.
  33. To prepare the details of employees pertaining to dies non/ EOL/absent period for grant of Time Bound Promotion.

Duty List of DM[HR] LW/IR

In brief, the subjects allocated to DM[HR] LW/IR are the following:

  1. To monitor trade union activities by meeting leaders of the union of various levels, attending gate meetings, dharnas, processions taken out by the union, meetings taken by the management with the union office bearers and also get information through their wall posters.
  2. He is required to submit a status report based on the issues/demands raised by the union for settlement with the management.
  3. To implement welfare activities such as reimbursement of the following:
    (i) Children Education Fund.
    (ii) Widow Fund.
    (iii) Death Relief Fund (DRF).
    (iv) New Group Insurance Scheme (NGIS).
    (v) Group Personal Accident Policy.
    (vi) Compensation under various Acts such as the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 and Public Liability Act, 1991.
  4. To Arrange training of employees under the Workers’ Education Scheme sponsored by the Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India.
  5. To arrange retirees function on monthly basis.
  6. To grant permission to hire the community halls for marriages/family functions etc.
  7. Management of the schools run by DTL.
  8. To organize sports activities and liaison work in connection with programmes such as Hepatitis B Vaccinations, HIV/AIDS awareness programmes, Clean City Campaign etc.

Public Relations Officer

  1. To analyze the media reports / news related to the organization, submit to the higher authorities/ concerned departments and follow up as per direction.
  2. To communicate with the media on the issues related to organization and ensure proper coverage to the organization in print as well as in electronic media.
  3. To issue press releases and advertisements and ensure proper publicity.
  4. To keep liaison with journalists, other media people and advertising agencies.
  5. To arrange press conferences and functions.
  6. To edit and publish house journal and other publications.
  7. To arrange interview of senior officers with press reporters /editors
  8. To process the bills and accounts of public relations department and forward it to concerned department.
  9. Any other work assigned by higher authorities.

Website Last Updated on 08-Feb-2025

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