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Last Updated On: 18 Mar 2021

DTL at Glance

DTL at a glance

Delhi Transco Ltd (DTL) came into existence on 1st July 2002. It was carved out of Delhi Vidyut Board as a separate entity after restructuring of Power Sector of Delhi and was accorded the status of State Transmission Utility (STU) of Delhi state for all purposes. DTL is to discharge the functions of STU in accordance with the Clause 39(2) of Indian Electricity Act 2003 for transmitting power by establishing and operating efficient and reliable transmission network in the Capital of India.

DTL as a State Transmission Utility (STU) of Capital city of Delhi is transmitting Power from Central Sector Generating Stations as well as from Intra-State Generating Stations and making it available for Delhi DISCOMs which in turn makes it available for the citizens of Delhi at consumer end.

DTL has adopted latest technologies in the field of Transmission such Gas Insulated Sub-stations (GIS) and laying underground 220 kV and 400 kV cables.

DTL has 4 Nos. 400 kV substations and 39 Nos. 220 kV sub-stations out of these substations 1 No. 400 kV and 14 Nos.220 kV sub-stations have been built using the GIS technology.

DTL has implemented Islanding Scheme for the state of Delhi which isolates the Delhi system from Indian Grid in case of exigencies to save the Delhi system and to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the essential load of Delhi even in case of a failure of the Main Grid.

DTL has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 in recognition of its quality management system in the management of operation, maintenance and monitoring Extra High Voltage Network.


Website Last Updated on 18-Feb-2025

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